We have just release the Bailam API for Python and Jupyter. This Api lets us use the power of code learning by example from within Jupyter.
You can quickly have Bailam creating the code for you to transform any source of data to you target Data.
If you want to have code generated for you contact at info@bailam.com us to get your free testing account on Bailam.
The video below show the step by step process to use Bailam on Jupyter
A shared sample Jupiter note book can be found at : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1s_ZrBOgPZvZdj5_ieFp8VUm5oeiqBFe4?usp=sharing
If you want example with the Jupiter api you can find then in the bailam_api public project : https://gitlab.com/kamouno/bailam_api
A ReST API is also available, documentation : https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12757114/TzJsfHzQ